Donate Vinyl – Vinyl Collection

What A Year For The Vinyl Collection!

This site has been around a few years but I must say that the past 6 months have been insane.  We’ve received 1500+ vinyl

records.   Many were shipped in and many we picked up when we could.

I can’t tell you guys how awesome it is to have closets full of great music.  We continually go thru the collection and listen to a lot of it.  Most we’ve never seen or heard of and thats what makes this so awesome.  We have plans to share a lot of this music in the coming years with other collectors and music lovers-  will keep you posted when that is up and running!

I just wanted to say THANKS and Merry Christmas to all who have donated!  We have a stack of records that are being converted to CDs for many of you and you’ll see those very soon.

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